We've been gone for far too long! And thus...
29 Days of Spider-Man!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Favourites of 2012: Cyclops by R J Bavington

Bav is hogging the spotlight again...

"I haven't read all the issues (mainly because I know that any top-ten superhero comic will be so over-printed I'll find it in the 50p bins very soon) but I've been noticing the preview scans and commentary about Cyclop's journey this year. WOW. It's about time Ol' Scotty had the "I've had enough of this sh*t and I'm not going to take it anymore" revelation that a lot of us have during our "quarter-life crisis". I also love how the year ends with Wolverine and Cyclops essentially changing roles in the X-Men universe. Cyclops will always be a favourite and I'm excited to see where this storyline takes him."

You can see more of R J Bavington's silly things on his tumblr

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